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Drinks and Cocktails

+12 Apple Drinks Smooth and delicious!

Do you like apples and want to prepare drinks with them? Apples are usually very appreciated fruits in gastronomy and are liked by almost everyone, because they have a pleasant, soft and sweet flavor that is very appealing. Drinks with apples are usually a good choice when it comes to refreshing, and this lovely fruit has the virtue of being very versatile, which makes it perfect to combine with any liqueur. Join us to know… +12 Apple Drinks Smooth and delicious!

+8 Drinks with Watermelon Refreshing and tasty!

Do you want to know recipes for watermelon drinks? There are many who prefer to accompany their evenings or celebrations with fruity drinks, because fruits give a touch of freshness and sweetness that some people love. Drinks with watermelon have been emerging very strongly in recent times, and is that it combines perfectly with different liquors, its sweetness and freshness make it the ideal companion that every day takes more strength. +4 Watermelon drinks easy… +8 Drinks with Watermelon Refreshing and tasty!

+9 Spirits with Martini Rosso full of flavor

Do you want to prepare drinks with Martini Rosso? Martini Rosso is a well-known brand of vermouth made from wine, aromatic herbs, alcohol and sugar, ingredients that give it the perfect touch. Vermouth enjoys a very good reputation and that is why every day more and more people are joining the martini fever. That is why we bring for you some recipes for drinks with martini rosso that you can not miss. +4 Famous Drinks… +9 Spirits with Martini Rosso full of flavor

+8 Strawberry drinks to refresh your palate!

Are you a strawberry lover and want to prepare drinks with them? Strawberries are a good choice when it comes to making drinks, since they are a versatile fruit that usually combines very well with any liqueur. If you want to leave all your friends open-mouthed, prepare delicious recipes for drinks with strawberries to celebrate in style any occasion that needs to be accompanied by lots of flavor. +4 Drinks with Strawberry ideal to accompany… +8 Strawberry drinks to refresh your palate!

+12 Drinks prepared with a cocktail shaker to surprise!

Do you want to surprise everyone with drinks prepared with a cocktail shaker? Gatherings with friends, meetings, birthdays, etc. They are always a good excuse when it comes to enjoy, and if it is accompanied by a good drink the evening will be much better. The world of cocktails is exciting and is constantly growing and evolving, which is why the drinks do not escape and more and more are prepared with a cocktail shaker… +12 Drinks prepared with a cocktail shaker to surprise!