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Palm Wine Delicious natural beverage that fascinates!

what is it, where does it come from, how should it be drunk? Types and more. There is a diversity of liqueurs that go around the world, some of them come naturally, and others are elaborated by applying different methods. Within this great diversity, palm wine is one of them. African and Oriental cultures place palm wine as one of their favorite beverages and although it does not have a strong alcoholic content, it does… Palm Wine Delicious natural beverage that fascinates!

Soju Korean drink that delights!

do you want to know Soju, what is it, where does it come from, how should you drink it? Korea is one of those Asian countries that enjoys a marked history, which has led it to be today a stable nation with a well-rooted culture. Of course, Korean gastronomy does not escape from being one of those points of interest when visiting Korea, and nowadays they have one of the most sold alcoholic beverages in… Soju Korean drink that delights!

Rakia Balkan drink with great taste!

do you want to know what Rakia is? what is its origin? how should it be drunk? The countries that make up Eastern Europe have a delicate and fascinating production of unique liqueurs in the world, which is why we can find drinks such as Rakia, a very popular liqueur. Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary, among others, are some of the countries where you can find this charming liqueur, which is part of their culture and… Rakia Balkan drink with great taste!

Alcohol Distillation: Essential Separation of Components

would you like to know all about distilled spirits? The world of liqueurs is a wide range that has existed for thousands of years, and since then many liqueurs have been made by distilling alcohol. Distillation can result in an essentially complete separation composed of almost pure components, or it can be a partial separation that increases the concentration of selected components in the mixture, join us to discover more about this process. what is… Alcohol Distillation: Essential Separation of Components

+8 Colombian liqueurs that you should know

do you want to know which are the best Colombian liqueurs? Colombia is a Latin American country with a rich gastronomy, and of course it produces liqueurs that have been catalogued by experts as among the best. Colombian liqueurs are part of the history and culture of the Neo-Granadian country, that is why, in this opportunity we will tell you which are some of the best Colombian liqueurs that exist at the moment. +8 Colombian… +8 Colombian liqueurs that you should know