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Birch water Detoxifying infusion!

what is birch water and what is it for? There is a tree in Europe, Russia and China with amazing powers, it is the Birch tree. It allows us to extract water from its trunk and obtain nutrients that are beneficial to our body.

Birch water has been consumed for many years in Nordic countries, its diuretic and detoxifying effects but at the same time, remineralizing can become a great ally to prevent fluid retention. That is why birch water is becoming more and more known in the world, as more and more people want to provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals to the body in a natural way.

Knowing the natural qualities of birch water will allow us to open our possibilities and obtain natural benefits that will allow us to have a better health as long as its consumption is adequate and not in excess.

what is birch water?

Birch water is a drink obtained from the bark, sap, leaves and bud of the tree of the same name and is rich in macronutrients such as minerals, potassium and antioxidants, while at the same time it is low in sugars. It is a drink with potential, which can improve the functioning of our organism, giving it positive traits that are becoming more and more well-known.

what is birch water for?

Birch water is a drink with preventive and curative powers, as it has properties that allow us to purify our body, while acting as a powerful natural detoxifier. In addition, it is a powerful natural rehydrating and purifying agent that manages to control cholesterol levels and liver problems that some people may suffer from.

It is even useful for those who have manganese problems as it is a rich source of this essential mineral that is required for the normal functioning of our body and is involved in the formation of connective tissue, bones and nerve function.

is birch water useful for weight loss?

Thanks to the fact that it is a powerful depurative, birch water has begun to be used by those who want to lose weight and keep in shape because it acts as a powerful diuretic that fights obesity.

It even works to naturally drain excess fluid from our body as well as eliminate toxins and treat cellulite that often causes so much headache for those who want to look good. A drink full of natural benefits that allow us to have a better performance of our organism.

Birch water is a drink with healing powers

Benefits of drinking birch water

The birch tree happens to emanate from it a whole torrent of goodness that benefits the human body. It is loaded with nutrients such as enzymes, proteins and electrolytes, and taken fermented it turns out to be full of probiotics beneficial to intestinal health. Among its great benefits we can find:

  • Combats diarrhea: Thanks to its astringent effect prevents diarrhea and colic problems, making it a potent antidiarrheal.
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory: It reduces pain and inflammation in muscle contractures, tendinitis, fibrositis, bursitis and neuralgia.
  • Prevents fluid retention: Thanks to its natural properties, it is ideal to stimulate the emission of urine, thus contributing to the elimination of toxins.
  • It works as an antipyretic: It is positive for the treatment of liver, digestive and urinary problems, fever, colds and respiratory allergies.
  • Reduces cholesterol: Thanks to its minerals it reduces cholesterol in the blood allowing a better fluid.
  • Prevents the appearance of kidney stones: Infusions of birch leaves and buds help to prevent the formation of kidney stones, favoring the dissolution of stones being useful in cases of renal colic.
  • Antioxidant: Thanks to resveratrol, it fights against free radicals and stops cellular aging in a natural way.

what are the benefits of drinking birch water on an empty stomach?

Consuming birch infusions can be effective on an empty stomach to improve our weight and lead a stronger active life and among its benefits we can find:

  • Natural slimming: Thanks to its diuretic and detoxifying properties, it is an effective aid in weight loss processes.
  • Depurative: It is a great natural detoxifier so its leaves and buds favor the elimination of toxic substances from the blood being especially recommended even in cases of gout by favoring the elimination of uric acid.
  • Itfights cellulite: Thanks to its depurative properties, it fights cellulite problems in the skin.
  • It is diuretic: It contributes to the elimination of toxins through urine.

how long should birch water be taken on an empty stomach?

There is no established time that indicates how long it can be consumed in the human body. However, it is usually recommended to drink approximately 100ml daily, this allows you to enjoy its nutrients and properties that are usually detoxifying par excellence.

Any excess consumption is harmful to health, so maintaining a proper diet and physical activity when consuming this type of beverage will enhance its multiple benefits.

Birch water is a natural slimming agent

what are the properties of birch water?

Birch turns out to be a natural ally for those seeking to feel good, its natural properties manage to powerfully benefit our body and protect our body, within its properties we have:

  • It is diuretic
  • Antiseptic at urinary level
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antirheumatic
  • Antihypertensive
  • Analgesic
  • It has astringent, hemostatic, healing, remineralizing, vitamin and detoxifying properties.
  • It is very rich in Manganese
  • It has zinc, sugar, calcium and magnesium
  • It has xylitol

is birch water good for the kidney?

Thanks to its natural properties it is an ally to contribute to maintain the good health of our kidneys, and it is a powerful diuretic that keeps this important organ healthy. It also prevents the formation of kidney stones and helps to dissolve or eliminate them in a first phase if they have already been developed.

It can even alleviate the pain caused by the well-known nephritic colic contributing in this sense with the renal disinflammation.

Contraindications of drinking birch water

Perhaps the only contraindication that can be attributed to this natural infusion is the high manganese content. Which in large quantities can be toxic, especially in people with impaired liver function.

The toxicity of manganese turns out to be an important point since according to studies it can develop symptoms similar to Parkinson’s disease, so excessive use of this natural drink is not recommended. In the case of xylitol, a natural component of birch which works as a sweetener, in excess it can cause a decrease in intestinal flora, causing even slight diarrhea.

+3 Recipes to prepare birch water

Birch can be obtained through 3 different ways, each one has similar methods in its preparation and each one in turn manages to offer the best of it for the well-being of the body. Below we will leave for you easy recipes to prepare birch water:

Infusions of birch leaves and buds

Its leaves and buds are rich in flavonoids with great diuretic and detoxifying properties, it also has antiseptic properties due to the beneficial tannins they contain. Ingredients

  • 20-50 grams of birch leaves and birch buds
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda

How to prepare

  1. Heat the water
  2. When it is boiling add the birch leaves and birch bud
  3. Lower the heat and let it infuse for a few minutes
  4. Remove from the fire
  5. Add the baking soda
  6. Serve in a cup

It is recommended to consume the infusions up to one liter daily.

Decoction or infusion of birch bark

Birch bark has antipyretic properties, that is, it is able to lower fever and is used in infusions since it also acts as a powerful natural anti-inflammatory in the treatment of affected areas. Ingredients

  • 50-80 grams of birch bark
  • 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar

How to prepare

  1. Heat one liter of water
  2. Add 50-80 grams of birch bark
  3. Boil until the water is reduced by half
  4. Add sugar to sweeten

You can take 2 to 3 cups a day of birch bark decoction.

Birch sap

The sap has a powerful antiseptic effect, so it is often used in the treatment against mouth ulcers, gingivitis or any ailment that can create sores in the mouth area. Ingredients

  • Birch sap
  • Water

How to prepare

  1. The birch sap is taken diluted with water at 50%
  2. Avoid fermentation

We hope that our content will allow you to learn more about the world of birch water and the benefits it brings to our body.

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