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Flaxseed water Fiber-rich drink!

what are the benefits of flaxseed water? Flaxseed water has great qualities that allow you to lead a healthier life. Its natural properties allow the body to have a better performance, which is why more and more people prefer this lovely drink.

Likewise, flaxseed water is a source of fiber which contributes to the good performance of our digestive system, and its multiple benefits give it a place of honor in the world of health. Knowing the benefits, properties, benefits and even the contraindications of a natural drink will allow us to take advantage and make the most of everything that flaxseed water has for each of us.

what is flaxseed water?

Flaxseed water is a natural beverage made from the infusion of flax seeds, also known as linseed. Lemon is added to it for its benefits, which allows it to keep it for a longer period of time.

Flaxseed allows you to lose weight

what is flaxseed water for?

Flaxseed water serves to improve the proper functioning of the body, its natural properties manage to imprint exceptional benefits to the human body, which translates into positive features for our health.

This drink provides us with important nutrients that allow a better functioning not only in the digestive system, it also avoids suffering or suffering from cardiovascular diseases because it is a source of fiber, omega 3 and lignans. In addition, thanks to being a low-calorie drink, it allows to control and reduce weight, so many people consume it to maintain their good figure in a natural way.

can flaxseed water be used to lose weight?

Many people say that flaxseed helps to lose weight, studies have shown that it does indeed help to lose weight. It is a drink rich in dietary fiber which promotes digestion and helps to naturally level our body.

Flaxseed is rich in polyunsaturated fats which help reduce bad cholesterol, allow cell growth and brain function, so it becomes a good choice at the time of our care. In addition, it favors digestion and has a fundamental property and that is that being included in our daily diet allows us to feel satiety which in turn contributes to the reduction of anxiety and stress.

The body needs fats to maintain its stability and flaxseed effectively allows to produce these healthy fats, which is essential at the time of maintaining the ideal weight, of course, as long as its consumption is careful and does not exceed the amount.

Flaxseed promotes digestion

Benefits of drinking flaxseed water

Flaxseed turns out to be a very healthy drink that provides great nutrients to our body. So it is rich in benefits for our health that is worth knowing in order to appreciate more widely this great energy drink.

  • Helps reduce cholesterol: Flaxseed is useful to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol, which tends to be deposited in the arteries, thus increasing the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Reduces high levels of fats in the blood: Because it is rich in Omega 6, the consumption of flaxseed reduces the levels of fats in the blood, which contributes directly to health.
  • Reduces Triglycerides: Flaxseeds are rich in fatty acids such as Omega 3, which considerably reduces possible high triglycerides in the blood.
  • Tissue Regenerator: Thanks to its antibacterial properties it is useful when treating wounds and minor burns.
  • Reduces Inflammation: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, flaxseed helps to reduce any type of inflammation.
  • Helps the intestinal tract: Its laxative properties allow a better functioning of the digestive system.
  • Relieves constipation: Thanks to its high fiber content, it allows a better health and a better functioning that avoids occasional constipation.

what are the benefits of fasting flaxseed water?

It is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach if you are trying to lose weight, its natural qualities allow you to feel satiated for much longer, which allows you to lose weight quickly. Among its benefits on an empty stomach we can mention:

  • It is diuretic: Its fatty acids help the kidneys to secrete sodium and water, which prevents swollen ankles and some forms of obesity, as well as fluid retention.
  • Controls diabetes: Studies have revealed that flaxseed contains alpha linoleic acid, so its consumption will decrease insulin requirements in diabetics.
  • Allows weight loss: Thanks to its satiating effect avoids anxiety and snacking between meals.
  • Combats cellulite: They stimulate the production of collagen while combating fluid retention, which allows reducing cellulite and having a much healthier skin.

how long should you drink flaxseed water on an empty stomach?

In order to enjoy all the purifying benefits that flaxseed has for our body on an empty stomach, it is necessary to consume it consciously. It is recommended to drink 150 ml on an empty stomach, while the remaining liquid can be taken before lunch and dinner.

It is also recommended to take it for 10 days in a row and then rest for another 10 days in order to enjoy all its action in a precise way. It is necessary to emphasize that to see and enjoy its slimming effects it is necessary to have a routine and not to consume it sporadically.

what are the properties of flaxseed water?

Flaxseed is a seed that has ideal nutritional properties to maintain our health, which is why every day more and more people prefer to consume it to regulate their digestion and even maintain their ideal weight. Among its nutritional properties we can mention:

  • Source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber
  • Contains Omega3, Omega6 and Omega12 fatty acids
  • It has phytochemicals called lignans
  • It is rich in B vitamins, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and thiamine
  • Contains 27 anticarcinogenic components, among which lignin stands out
  • Contains flavonoids
Flaxseed has nutritional properties

is flaxseed water good for the liver?

Flaxseeds provide a significant amount of Omega3 to our body, this allows us to reduce the levels of fat in the blood, it is also a source of soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps the liver by allowing it to absorb fats optimally, while insoluble fat prevents constipation and regulates the digestive system.

The liver is an organ of vital importance for the human being since it is in charge of collecting and redistributing nutrients in the body and muscles through the bloodstream. It acts as an energy reserve for our body, so keeping it healthy is very important and flaxseed allows precisely this.

Contraindications of drinking flaxseed water

As we all know, flaxseed is rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 12 fatty acids and lignans that help combat high estrogen levels and help maintain balanced hormone levels. However, there are cases in which flaxseed is contraindicated because it can alter or produce harmful effects, such is the case of:

  • People who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • Children under 12 years of age in case of gastric or intestinal inflammation.
  • People with intestinal obstruction, narrowing of the esophagus or Crohn’s disease because flaxseed can distend the stomach.
  • People with low blood pressure.
  • Diabetics.
  • If you consume any type of medication due to an illness, flaxseed water should be consumed 3 hours before or 3 hours after, since the absorption power of flaxseed can annul the properties of the medication.
  • People with bleeding problems.
  • People who take anticoagulant medications since flaxseed tends to reduce the formation of clots and when combined with other anticoagulant medications can cause excessive bleeding and hinder the healing process.

+3 Recipes for making flaxseed water

Flaxseed water is a very beneficial drink and at the same time easy to prepare, thanks to its nutritional properties it allows our body to have a better performance. Some of the most common flaxseed water recipes are:

Flaxseed water

An easy-to-prepare recipe with ideal nutritional values for a healthier life. Ingredients:

  • 3 tablespoons of flaxseed
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare:

  1. Boil one liter of water along with the three tablespoons of flaxseed.
  2. Let it steep for 8 to 12 hours.
  3. You will then find a thick, gelatinous liquid in which the benefits of flaxseed are concentrated.
Linseed water

Flaxseed and barley water

A drink with a considerable nutritional contribution that will provide essential nutrients for our organism. Ingredients:

  • 1/2 kilo barley
  • 1/4 flaxseed
  • cloves and cinnamon
  • Sugar to taste
  • Juice of 2 lemons
  • 1 liter of water

How to prepare:

  1. Boil the barley with the water, cloves and cinnamon
  2. Wash and soak the flaxseed for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water
  3. Once the barley has started to boil with the cinnamon, it is time to add all the contents of the flaxseed and let it cook for 40 minutes
  4. Pass through a strainer to extract only the liquid
  5. Reserve in a large pot or jar and cover to let it cool
  6. Once cold, add the juice of 2 lemons

Flaxseed and lemon water

A healthy and easy to prepare recipe that will allow you to obtain unparalleled benefits. Ingredients:

  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed

How to prepare:

  1. Place the cups of water in a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. When it reaches boiling point, add the flaxseeds and reduce the heat.
  3. Cook for 3 to 4 minutes more and remove them.
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and let stand for 8 to 12 hours.
  5. Pass the liquid obtained through a strainer and add the lemon juice.
Flaxseed and lemon water

We leave for you, practical recipes that can be prepared in the comfort of your home. What are you waiting for to enjoy a healthy flaxseed water?

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