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what are the benefits of red wine?

do you have any idea about the benefits of red wine? What are the benefits of red wine? Benefits of red wine on an empty stomach for health.

Red wine is one of the oldest beverages in existence and one of the most consumed worldwide. That is why scientists have sought to study the impact it can have on people’s health.

Studies on the effect and benefits of red wine on health have revealed that a daily glass of red wine contributes to the prevention of diseases while helping the heart and immune system of the human being achieving very important benefits.

+6 Health Benefits of Red Wine that you should know!

Red wine is a drink that has multiple health benefits, its qualities manage to favor the prevention of infections and diseases that can shorten the life span of a person.

1. Good brain enhancer

According to studies conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Loyola Medical Center in the United States, it has been determined that drinking red wine in moderation but constantly contributes to the prevention of dementia and other degenerative diseases of our brain.

Red wine has resveratrol which reduces the viscosity of blood platelets, which helps keep blood vessels open and flexible without clots, thus contributing to a good blood supply to the brain and maintaining its proper oxygenation.

2. Reduces cardiac risk

A study conducted by Harvard University found that people who consume red wine in moderate doses are 30% less likely to suffer a heart attack.

Red wine is rich in vitamin E, which helps to clean our blood, avoiding clots, and protecting the tissues of the blood vessels avoiding the hardening of the arteries, so just with a glass of red wine we raise the potential of our cardiovascular health.

3. Reduces Cholesterol

Red wine is rich in polyphenols, a chemical substance rich in antioxidants, which according to studies, help to take care of our blood vessels while preventing the formation of clots and reducing bad cholesterol.

4. Combats Urinary Tract Infections

Thanks to its antioxidant and astringent properties, red wine prevents bacteria from adhering to our bladder or kidneys, thus optimizing the filtering and purification of these organs and avoiding their obstruction.

5. Reduces the risk of cancer

Red wine is an antioxidant, which is a natural resource capable of blocking the growth of cells responsible for breast or lung cancer.

Natural chemicals in the skin and seeds of red grapes reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone levels in premenopausal women, which means a lower risk of developing breast cancer.

6. Delays Aging

Studies reveal that consuming a glass of red wine a day helps delay the aging process due to its vasodilator properties that fight some diseases caused by the natural oxidation of cells.

Health benefits and contraindications of red wine consumption

Red wine has antioxidant properties that contribute to the prevention of diseases while it also has qualities that prevent blood clotting, allowing a correct blood flow.

However, in excess it can generate the opposite effect and can have a terrible effect on health, so its consumption should be moderate and with conscience, since red wine is not a remedy against diseases.

Beneficios y contra indicaciones del consumo de vino tinto en la salud
Red wine is beneficial for health but its consumption in excess can be harmful

Benefits of red wine consumption

We can find various benefits in the controlled consumption of a glass of red wine thanks to its natural components.

  • According to studies, daily consumption of 100 to 200 ml. reduces the risk of death from myocardial infarction in men over 50 years of age.
  • Red wine has flavonoids from grapes, its action prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the arteries.
  • Studies have shown that red wine protects against allergies thanks to its natural components.
  • Red wine is rich in minerals, such as lithium which balances the nervous system, magnesium which reduces stress, zinc which improves immune defenses, potassium and calcium which are responsible for ionic and electrical balance.
  • Red wine protects against sunburn, grape derivatives can help reduce the harmful effects of UV rays on the skin. The flavonoids in wine inhibit the formation of reactive oxygen species that damage skin cells.
  • Red wine can stop the growth of out-of-control blood vessels in the eye, which causes blindness.

Contraindications of red wine consumption

The excessive consumption of any alcoholic beverage can cause serious damage to health, red wine does not escape this factor. Although it has vitamins, minerals and other substances, it can also drastically affect health if you are not careful.

  • Excessive consumption of red wine can lead to liver disease, such as cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Excessive consumption of red wine can result in osteoporosis leading to bone fractures.
  • Studies have revealed that doses higher than 400 ml. daily of red wine in a pregnant woman give rise to the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome, physically and mentally damaging the baby.
  • Red wine can be harmful in people with hypertension disorders, more than three glasses of red wine a day, increase blood pressure, compromising the health of the heart and arteries.

what are the benefits of drinking red wine on an empty stomach?

Red wine, as we already know, is beneficial for our health as long as it is consumed with conscience and we avoid excess, its properties can be enhanced in the human body if we drink it on an empty stomach, since it reaches the bloodstream faster, strengthening its benefits.

Beneficios de tomar vino tinto en ayunas
Drinking red wine on an empty stomach brings health benefits

Benefits of drinking red wine on an empty stomach

  • Fat burning: According to research, red wine on an empty stomach favors the burning of body fat, as it activates a gene that slows down the production of new fat cells and eliminates the existing ones, thus benefiting the well-being of the human body.
  • Prevents cavities: The polyphenols in red wine prevent the appearance of cavities and prevent bacteria from invading the gums, which is very beneficial for health.
  • Protects the heart: Red wine has tannins that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, as it prevents the reduction of blood vessels.
  • Combats tiredness: Red wine has resveratrol, which is a natural antioxidant, a glass of red wine improves our system avoiding body tiredness and depression.

Red wine can contribute to our health as long as we do not abuse its usefulness or think that through its consumption we are going to heal some pathology. We can try drinking a glass of red wine on an empty stomach for a while and verify the benefits it brings to our body.

+4 Benefits of red wine for health that will surprise you

Red wine is a broth widely consumed worldwide, its organoleptic qualities have managed to capture the attention of thousands of people who prefer it.

Red wine is not only a pleasant drink, it is also a broth that contributes to improve health while helping in the prevention of some diseases.

Red wine is beneficial for health

1. Improves lung function and prevents lung cancer

Studies conducted by Dutch specialists showed that the consumption of red wine improves the lung function of people as it possesses numerous compounds that contribute to the well-being of health. Another study confirmed that red wine intake can also reduce the risk of lung cancer.

2. Increases levels of omega-3 fatty acids

Studies conducted in a group of adults in Europe showed that red wine increases the levels of fatty acids in plasma and red blood cells, considerably improving health.

3. May help keep blood sugar under control

Studies conducted in 2015 showed that the resveratrol present in red wine improves insulin sensitivity, which is positive since insulin resistance is the most important critical factor contributing to the risk of type 2 diabetes.

4. It is anti-bacterial

Research on the health benefits of drinking red wine has shown that it is antibacterial, which means that red wine has the ability to reduce bacteria in food, thus protecting the human body.

is red wine good for health?

Studies conducted over many years have shown that red wine is good for health. Because it has natural substances from the grape varieties with which it is made that provide antioxidants, oxygenating and vitamins that have a favorable impact on the body of the person who consumes it.

In the elaboration of wine, the grapes are fermented for weeks, so the flavanols, which are natural antioxidants, are released from the seeds and evolve into more complex molecules that expand throughout the wine.

This triggers a favorable reaction for health, as long as its consumption is not abused and it is accompanied by foods that give greater benefit to its qualities and characteristics.

If red wine is not consumed in moderation, it can cause negative effects that will have a direct impact on health, since it can produce very serious risks in the human body, even causing intestinal bleeding.

can red wine contribute to the control of diabetes?

People suffering from type 2 diabetes have found that drinking red wine in moderation promotes heart health, helps control cholesterol, promotes better sleep and contributes to glycemic control.

Red wine contributes to diabetes control

Studies conducted by a group of researchers at Israel Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have provided evidence to support this claim. While there are no conclusive results, studies conducted on groups of people demonstrated protective health benefits associated with moderate wine consumption.

In cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, hypertension, certain types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, neurological disorders and metabolic syndrome.

Studies confirmed that moderate consumption of red wine contributes positively to patients’ health, as it does not aggravate their situation, and therefore they observed considerable improvements in their glycemic control when they consumed a glass of red wine.

can red wine lower cholesterol?

Studies carried out by Japanese cardiologists from the University of Osaka showed that a moderate daily intake of red wine helps in the prevention of heart disease, thanks to the presence of polyphenols that act as antioxidants.

Polyphenols are chemical substances that act as antioxidants in the human body and help lower cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol circulates through the blood bound to carrier molecules called low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HDL).

The daily absorption of two or three glasses of wine favors the lowering of total cholesterol and increases HDL or good cholesterol, thus avoiding the dangerous atheromas that are deposited on the arterial walls.

Red wine acts on blood platelets making it more fluid and avoiding arterial obstruction.

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